I recommend home cooked and raw food for cats and dogs as the best way to support their health. When you make food at home you have direct control over the quality and sourcing of the ingredients which ensures that the food your pets eat meets all of your standards.
Of course, when you make your own food, we also want to make sure your furkids food is balanced and has all of the vitamins and trace minerals that they need. The solution? Hilary’s Blend for dogs and Hilary’s Blend for cats. Hilary Watson has created a balancing supplement that I have used with many patients and had great success.
We also offer a supplement designed to add concentrated nutrition to your furkid’s already balanced diet whether that’s a premade raw food, canned food, or kibble. This allows you to boost nutrition even at times when you can’t cook for your pet. Only for dogs at this time.
This balancing blend can be used with recipe book and it can also be used with custom recipes created specially by Dr. Erika to work with the supplement. Make sure to get the supplement if you’re getting the book!
Custom Recipes
Five Element constitutionally based food medicine recipes COMING SOON!
Please contact Dr. Erika for more information about custom recipes created for your pet.
This is a concentrated nutrition supplement designed to boost any balanced diet whether homemade or purchased.
This balancing blend can be used with recipe book and it can also be used with custom recipes created specially by Dr. Erika to work with the supplement. Make sure to get the supplement if you’re getting the book!
Custom Recipes
Five Element constitutionally based food medicine recipes COMING SOON!
Please contact Dr. Erika for more information about custom recipes created for your pet.